Black August has given way to September, but George Jackson's life matters now more than ever as the struggle against imperialism marches on. During this period, Jackson became a revolutionary warrior for Black liberation and socialist revolution. The paper compared the works of the two to prove that the language of revolution is global and that solidarity against imperialism extends continents. George Jackson spent ten years behind prison walls from 1961-1971. Right before I left college, I wrote an essay on the political relationship between George Lester Jackson and the first revolutionary president of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh. “ For Jackson, the revolutionary task was to develop soldiers for freedom, while ‘Amerikans’ are at any given moment subject to performing duties as soldiers for Empire.”

“It was Jackson who developed a foundational theory of the prison state in relationship to the design of the imperialist system.” Jackson said revolutionary movements require three elements: “an above ground organization that carries out political work, an independent media, and an underground organization committed to creating crises for the establishment.” Why George Jackson Matters Through the Lens of Blood in My Eye by Danny Haiphong State could not contain – so it killed him.