Note: the “poem” mentioned in this passage is the one at the top of this post. Here, not ‘now’ in this moment of time, but here in this very space… here, in this place.Īnd while I don’t normally include paragraphs and passages from a book, today is different as I have found great solace in these words on my own particular journey to find peace in place. You are never any where other than here… this place. In Padraig’s book, “In the shelter finding a home in the world,” he uses the phrase “hello to here,” a phrase that deeply moves me.

The sign of a wise and gifted storyteller I suppose. A person that can make you feel ‘welcome’ despite never having met. I can’t recall the path that led me here, yet now it feels as if I’ve known him my whole life. Once you’ve been introduced to their work, their words, their wisdom, it’s as if you’ve always known of them…Īnd this describes how I came to know of Padraig O Tuama, a poet, storyteller, and theologian. The way you’ve come to know of a person is like an old, meandering creek weaving throughout the landscape.

Sometimes you can’t quite recall how you learned about a writer… you’ve started with one resource that leads you to another and another.